Atlantic Coast Camellia Society

Show Results Quitman, GA - February 4, 2017

Mona Jury Var.
C. hybrid 'Mona Jury Variegated'

Quitman Garden Club
February 4-5, 2017
Brooks County Extension Office
400 East Courtland Avenue
Quitman, GA

Show Chairperson - Nancibeth Shealy
1535 Blooms Exhibited
400 Attendees
45 Exhibitors


Gold Certificate (unprotected): 78 Blue Ribbons, Fred & Sandra Jones
Silver Certificate (unprotected): 51 Blue Ribbons, Chuck & Bev Ritter

Gold Certificate (protected): 107 Blue Ribbons, Jerry & Carol Selph
Silver Certificate (protected): 54 Blue Ribbons, Howard & Mary Rhodes


Best Bloom in Show, protected - The Colony Bank Award: 'Terrell Weaver Var.', Jerry & Carol Selph

Best Bloom in Show - alternate unprotected: 'Bill Goertz Var.', Charles & Donna Nichols

C. japonica untreated, unprotected:
VLg: 'Paul Haskee Var.', Chuck & Bev Ritter
RU: 'Lauren Tudor', Chuck & Bev Ritter
Lg: 'Elegans Splendor', Bob & Gail Reese
RU: 'Marie Mackall', Chuck & Bev Ritter
Md: 'Nuccio's Carousel', Ben George
RU: 'Black Magic', Esther Lawrence
Sm: 'Tama Peacock', Charles & Donna Nichols
RU: 'Kay Berridge', Charles & Donna Nichols

C. japonica protected:
VLg: 'Moonlight Bay', Jerry & Carol Selph
RU: 'Grand Prix', John Newsome
Lg: 'Charlie Bettes', Jerry & Carol Selph
RU: 'Tomorrow Park Hill Fimbriated', Randolph & Marilyn Maphis
Md: 'Helen Beach', Jerry & Carol Selph
RU: 'Lady Laura Red', Jerry & Carol Selph
Sm: 'Tudor Baby Var.', Randolph & Marilyn Maphis
RU: 'Miss Lillian', Howard & Mary Rhodes

C. reticulata (Inc. hybrids w/retic parent) unprotected:
VLg: 'Dr. Clifford Parks', Bob & Gail Reese
RU: 'Lee Roy Smith', Chuck & Bev Ritter
Lg: 'Terrell Weaver Var.', Chuck & Bev Ritter
RU: 'Massee Lane Var.', Chuck & Bev Ritter
Md: 'Black Lace', Charles & Donna Nichols
RU: 'Lady Ruth Ritter', Chuck & Bev Ritter

C. reticulata (Inc. hybrids w/retic parent) protected:
VLg: 'Anne Hightower', Jerry & Carol Selph
RU: 'Jean Pursel', Randolph & Marilyn Maphis
Lg: 'Tango Var', Jerry & Carol Selph
RU: 'Mandy Smith', Jerry & Carol Selph
Md: 'Lady Ruth Ritter Var.', Jerry & Carol Selph
RU: 'TitleTown USA', John Newsome

C. hybrid (w/no retic parent) unprotected:
Lg/VLg: 'Phil Piet Pink', Chuck & Bev Ritter
RU: 'Charlean Var.', Iris Shealy
Md: 'Pink Dahlia', Iris Shealy
RU: 'Water Lily', Alex & Jane Hinson
Sm: 'Freedom Bell', Fred & Sandra Jones
RU: 'Punkin', Fred & Sandra Jones

C. hybrid (w/no retic parent) protected:
Lg/VLg: 'Mona Jury Var.', Randolph & Marilyn Maphis
RU: 'Rose Bouquet', Jerry & Carol Selph
Md: 'First Blush', Jerry & Carol Selph
RU: 'Pink Dahlia Var.', Howard & Mary Rhodes
Sm: 'Spring Daze', Steve & Gayle Lawrence
RU: 'Freedom Bell', Howard & Mary Rhodes

Miniature unprotected:
BB: 'Sweet Jane', Fred & Sandra Jones
RU: 'Fircone Var.', Alex & Jane Hinson

Miniature protected:
BB: 'Fragrant Joy', John Newsome
RU: 'Fircone Var.', Howard & Mary Rhodes

White Bloom unprotected
BB: 'Melissa Anne', Fred & Sandra Jones
RU: 'Charlie Bettes', Bart Maris

White Bloom protected:
BB: 'Melissa Anne', Jerry & Carol Selph
RU: 'Ruffian', Jerry & Carol Selph

Best Sasanqua (and related species): 'Star Above Star', Alex & Jane Hinson

Best Seedling:
Lg/VLg: 'Gordy Seedling', Jerry & Carol Selph
Sm/Md: 'N9', Charles & Donna Nichols

Best Sport (Mutant) Bloom: 'Whoopee Sport', Ron & Elizabeth Wolfe


Tray of Three-same variety unprotected:
BB: 'Fircone Var.', David & Anna Sheets
RU: 'Lauren Tudor', Chuck & Bev Ritter

Tray of Three-same variety protected:
BB: 'Holy Pure', Randolph & Marilyn Maphis
RU: 'Queen Bee', Jerry & Carol Selph

Best Tray of Three Including one of each: Large or Very Large; Medium, Small or Miniature Unprotected: Three Beautiful Blooms', Fred & Sandra Jones

Best Tray of Three Including one of each: Large or Very Large; Medium, Small or Miniature Protected: 'Three Beautiful Blooms', Jerry & Carol Selph

Tray of Five-different varieties unprotected:
BB: 'Five Beautiful Blooms', Chuck & Bev Ritter
RU: 'Five Beautiful Blooms', David & Anna Sheets

Tray of Five-different varieties protected:
BB: 'Five Beautiful Blooms', Jerry & Carol Selph
RU: 'Five Beautiful Blooms', Randolph & Marilyn Maphis

Best Collection of Three Varieties Originated by Hulyn Smith—different varieties: 'Three Beautiful Blooms', Jerry & Carol Selph


Best Betty Sheffield: 'Betty Sheffield', Jerry & Carol Selph

Best Betty Sheffield Sport: 'Elaine's Betty', Chuck & Bev Ritter


Lg/VLg: 'Royal Velvet Var.', Pattie Niewoehner
Md: 'Elaine's Betty', Mrs. Thomas Hawkins
Sm: 'Little Babe Var.', Pattie Niewoehner